Session submissions 3Rs Integrating 3 Worlds: Human, Animal and Environmental Health
Be the catalyst of change and shape tomorrow’s future with your contribution! Present groundbreaking research, showcase visionary projects, and drive dynamic discussions in the Scientific Program of the Congress.
Up to
800+ | .......... | 50+ | .......... | 30+ |
Participants Expected | Program Sessions | Sponsors |
List of Accepted Sessions
Below, you will find the full list of accepted sessions for the 13th World Congress in Rio. With a diverse and dynamic program, we are excited to present a wide range of sessions covering key topics and emerging trends in the field.
Due to space limitations, some excellent proposals could not be accommodated, but we appreciate all submissions and the enthusiasm of our global community.
Please note that session numbers are provisional and may change in the final program. Stay tuned for updates as we approach the event!
Animal Health
Session #26: | One world, many standards: international perspectives on regulating the use of animals in science |
Session #55: | 3Rs Implementation in Brazil: a Successful Multi-stakeholder Joint Effort |
Session #56: | Working together to end ‘severe’ suffering |
Session #60: | How systematic reviews and meta-analyses support good animal welfare and the transition to animal-free research |
Session #74: | Bias, Reporting and Assessment – How to replace, reduce and refine animal experiments by looking at the available data |
Session #94: | Fishing for the 3Rs? Why using fish should not count as refinement and their suffering does matter. |
Session #99: | Phase out of animal testing in veterinary vaccines batch release test - An overview of Multi-stakeholders efforts |
Session #118: | Ethics in Action: Upholding the 3Rs through Animal Research Ethical Review |
Environmental Health
Session #40: | Environmental safety assessment of chemicals– Progress of different animal-free tools, similarities and differences with human safety assessments |
Session #42: | Complex chemical exposure– How can in vitro bioassays improve current practice in human biomonitoring and environmental monitoring? |
Session #61: | Humans are Model Organisms Too: Opportunities for Synergistic, Data-Driven Enhancement Across Human and Environmental Safety Assessment |
Session #63: | Marine Environmental Safety: recent advances in NAMs to evaluate toxicity of chemicals of emerging concern in marine environments |
Session #107: | Accelerating Science to Policy Transfer of Animal Alternatives for human and Environmental safety assessment: lessons learned and ways forward |
Session #138: | Moving forward towards the application of New Approach methodologies for the environmental risk assessment of chemicals |
Session #137: | NAMs to Assess the Properties of Chemical Mixtures for Environmental Health |
Session #32: | “Eye-opening” education for experimenters |
Session #39: | “Alternative Models for Surgical Training” |
Session #43: | Hands-on Training in Aspects of NAMs improves the translational value |
Session #54: | Empowering the Next Generation of Researchers for Next Generation Risk Assessment |
Session #71: | Integrating all 3Rs at Research Institutions through Training, Education, and Culture |
Session #81: | Breaking Down Silos to Achieve One Health - Integrating Environment into Education and Training Initiatives in Latin America and Beyond |
Session #122: | Building an Ethical and Innovative Career: Guidance for Biology, Veterinary, and Medical Students and Professionals |
Session #144: | Empowering Change through Informal Education: Leveraging Workshops and Webinars to Promote the 3Rs |
One health / Harmonisation / Technologies
Session #4: | 3Rs in space: animal-free alternatives for life sciences in space research |
Session #9: | Current and Future Directions for Human and Environmental Exposure Assessment in Next Generation Risk Assessment: From External to Internal Approaches Across Regulatory Silos |
Session #30: | Global Harmonization in Risk Assessment: Navigating the Complexities of Animal Testing, Regulatory Divergence, and Environmental Sustainability |
Session #36: | Leveraging inter-disciplinary and human-relevant approaches to address mental health |
Session #41: | NAMs as tools to operationalize One Health in human toxicology and ecotoxicology |
Session #78: | Unveiling Chemical Similarity in Computational Toxicology: Navigating Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches |
Session #132: | Application of New Approach Methods in the Safe and Sustainable Design of Innovative Products |
Session #126: | One Health, Many Models: Computational Approaches for Systemic Toxicities |
Human Health - Reduction, Refinement, Other
Session #5: | Proposing Sentience as a Heuristic Device for Selecting Animal Models in Scientific Research |
Session #33: | Generative AI for Drug Safety and Toxicology |
Session #53: | Challenges in Asia to adopting the 3Rs across areas of animal use |
Session #62: | One science: The Continuum of New Approach Methodologies from research to regulation |
Session #92: | Integrated strategy for DART New Approach Methods |
Session #134: | Exposure-based human risk assessment to minimize unnecessary animal testing for agrochemicals |
Session #117: | The 5Rs of Developmental Immunotoxicity Testing: Advancing Ethical and Predictive Methods |
Human Health - Policy
Session #15: | Regulatory experience using a weight of evidence approach to reducing testing on animals |
Session #29: | Building Confidence and Transparency into Validation Management and Peer Review |
Session #48: | Confidence in in vitro alternatives to animal testing - defining standards to ensure rigorous and reproducible data |
Session #67: | Regulatory Acceptance of Alternatives to Animal Testing by Anvisa |
Session #75: | Update to OECD Guidance Document 34 on the validation of test methods and Defined Approaches |
Session #84: | Transitioning to Animal-Free Chemical Safety Assessment |
Session #98: | Transitioning away from animal testing for vaccine quality control testing: international and regional perspectives |
Session #109: | From internal decision making to regulatory approval: Finding strategies to accelerate the use of NAMs |
Session #106: | The bigger picture of NAM uptake: exploring psychological and system factors as promoters and inhibitors |
Session #113: | Overcoming barriers to regulatory uptake of Next Generation Risk Assessment |
Session #125: | Ending 100 years of suffering: Regulatory assessment of Acute Oral Toxicity without using animals |
Session #127: | Regulatory Frameworks for Complex Endpoints |
Session #133: | Advancing Chemical Risk Assessment with Microphysiological Systems (MPS): Current Innovations and Potential for Regulatory Translation |
Session #143: | Sailing the Seas of Validation: Challenges Encountered to Chart the Course Ahead |
Human Health - Replacement
Session #13: | The journey towards animal-free systemic toxicity assessment for cosmetics |
Session #17: | Session on Current Research Initiatives on NAMs in Korea and Global Cooperation for Regulatory Application |
Session #20: | Artificial Intelligence to reduce and replace animal testing |
Session #22: | Implementation of NAM based PBK modelling into regulatory hazard assessment |
Session #24: | New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for Assessing Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity |
Session #25: | 3D Bioprinting Put Towards Tissue Model Fabrication |
Session #44: | Advanced Strategies for Implementation of the 3R Principles in Genotoxicity Assessment |
Session #46: | Reflecting Human Diversity with In Vitro Models |
Session #64: | Accelerating regulatory acceptance of complex manufactured and natural products through New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) |
Session #69: | Replacing invisible animal suffering – Animal-free materials in cell and tissue culture |
Session #77: | Development of non-animal methods for the identification of respiratory sensitizers: Reconciling the differences in clinical diagnosis and regulatory policies |
Session #79: | Using New Approach Methods (NAMs) to derive point-of-departures (PoD) for Next Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) of skin sensitizers: towards regulatory implementation. |
Session #100: | Animal Replacement Technologies Down Under - Unifying Science, Innovation, and Humanity for a Sustainable Future. |
Session #101: | Formulating a framework for non-animal safety assessment of human pharmaceuticals |
Session #102: | The Future is Now: The Power of NAMs for a global acceptance for Local Tolerance |
Session #103: | ASPA, the guided workflow for next-generation chemical safety assessment |
Session #135: | Next-Generation Risk Assessment (NGRA) |
Session #136: | Safety by Design: A Global Framework for Pharmaceutical Development |